function IntlCoreStrings() {} IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationBooleanShort = "Only 'true' or 'false' allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationByteShort = IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationIntegerShort; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationByteLong = "Only integers between -128 and 127 allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationDateShort = "Only date allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationDateTimeShort = "Only date or date and time allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationDecimalShort = "Only numbers allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationDoubleShort = "Only numbers allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationFloatShort = "Only numbers allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationIntegerShort = "Only integers allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationIntShort = IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationIntegerShort; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationIntLong = "Only integers between -2147483648 and 2147483647 allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationLongShort = IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationIntegerShort; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationLongLong = "Only integers between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807 allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationNegativeIntegerShort = "Only negative integers allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationNonNegativeIntegerShort = "Only positive integers or zero allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationNonPositiveIntegerShort = "Only negative integers or zero allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationPositiveIntegerShort = "Only positive integers allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationUnsignedByteShort = IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationNonNegativeIntegerShort; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationUnsignedByteLong = "Only integers between 0 and 255 allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationUnsignedIntShort = IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationNonNegativeIntegerShort; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationUnsignedIntLong = "Only integers between 0 and 4294967295 allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationUnsignedLongShort = IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationNonNegativeIntegerShort; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationUnsignedLongLong = "Only numbers between 0 and 18446744073709551615 allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationUnsignedShortShort = IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationNonNegativeIntegerShort; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationUnsignedShortLong = "Only integers between 0 and 65535 allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationShortShort = IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationIntegerShort; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationShortLong = "Only integers between -32768 and 32767 allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationTimeShort = "Only time allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationEnumerationShort = "Only certain values allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationEnumerationLongFormat = "Only one of the following values is allowed:\n%1!e!"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationLengthShortFormat = "Only text strings %3!s! character(s) long allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMaxExclusiveShortFormat = "Only values less than %3!s! allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationCannotBeEmpty = "Cannot be blank"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMaxInclusiveShortFormat = "Only values less than or equal to %3!s! allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMaxLengthShortFormat = "Only text strings less than or equal to %3!s! character(s) allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMinExclusiveShortFormat = "Only values greater than %3!s! allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMinInclusiveShortFormat = "Only values greater than or equal to %3!s! allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMinLengthShortFormat = "At least %3!s! characters required"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationPatternShort = "Only specific pattern allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationPatternLongFormat = "Only data in the following pattern is allowed: '%3!s!'"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMinLengthIsOneShort = "Cannot be blank"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMaxExclusiveIsZeroShort = "Only negative numbers allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMaxInclusiveIsZeroShort = "Only negative numbers or zero allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMaxInclusiveIsNegativeOneShort = "Only negative numbers less than or equal to -1 are allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMinExclusiveIsZeroShort = "Only positive numbers allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMinInclusiveIsZeroShort = "Only positive numbers or zero allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMinInclusiveIsOneShort = "Only positive numbers greater than or equal to 1 are allowed"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strClickHereToAttachFile = "Click here to attach a file"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strBlockedFileType = "To help protect your computer, the following type of file attachment has been blocked: {0}"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strFileAttachmentUploadFileMissingError = "The selected file was not found."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strNoFileAttached = "No file attached"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSPAttachmentAddFileText = "Click here to attach a file"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSPAttachmentFileAlreadyExists = "File already exists. Select a different file or rename the file."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSPAttachmentFileDeleteAltText = "Click here to delete the file."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSPAttachmentConfirmDeleteText = "Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSPAttachmentConfirmRecycleText = "Are you sure you want to send this attachment to the site Recycle Bin?"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMinChildCountFormat = "The item could not be removed. In this form a minimum of {0} items is required."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strValidationMaxChildCountFormat = "A new item could not be inserted. In this form only a maximum of {0} items is allowed."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strDataActionsMaxDepthExceeded = "Default values, rules or code may be running in an infinite loop. To prevent this, ensure that the default value, rule action or event handler does not update the data which causes the same rule action or event handler to execute."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strOpenedInInfoPath = "The form has been opened for editing in InfoPath."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strCtrlEnterFormat = "{0} [Ctrl+Enter]"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strCtrlDeleteFormat = "{0} [Ctrl+Delete]"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strConfirmRemoveSection = "Are you sure that you want to delete this item? This action cannot be undone."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strConfirmRemoveAll = "Are you sure that you want to remove this data? This action cannot be undone."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strFileAttachmentDownloadPrompt = "You have chosen to download a file that may be harmful to your computer. It is important to be certain that the file comes from a trustworthy source. Do you want to continue?"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strFileAttachmentPromptRemoveFile = "Are you sure you want to remove this file? This action cannot be undone."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strFileAttachmentPromptForRefresh = "The form contains changes that must be processed before it can download file. Update the form, and then try downloading again."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strShowSignatureDlgSessionClosed = "This session has exceeded the amount of allowable resources."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strActiveSessionsTimeout = "The security validation for the form has timed out."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorAXInstantiation = "Installation of an add-in component needed for digital signatures failed. You may need to modify your browser security settings.";; IntlCoreStrings.k_strShowSignatureDlgFailure = "An error has occurred. Please try again."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strShowSignatureDlgFatalError = "An error occurred when signing the form. The form will now be closed."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strShowSignatureDlgNodeRO = "This value has been digitally signed and cannot be changed. "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSignaturesPromptForDelete = "Are you sure that you want to remove this signature? This action cannot be undone. "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSignaturesPromptForValidation = "This form contains validation errors. Errors are marked with either a red asterisk (required fields) or a red, dashed border (invalid values). Do you want to continue signing? "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSignaturesPromptForInvalidSig = "This form contains one or more invalid signatures and may not be trustworthy. Do you want to continue signing? "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAddSignatureNotSupported = "Digitally signing this form is not supported in the current browser."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSignatureDetailsOffline = "The signature details cannot be shown because your computer is offline or the server is currently unavailable."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSignatureAddOffline = "The signature cannot be added because your computer is offline or the server is currently unavailable."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strDeleteConterSignatureNotAllowed = "This signature has been counter-signed and it can only be removed once the counter-signatures have been removed."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strDigitallySignedTitleText = "Digitally signed."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogButtonStartAgain = "Start over"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogButtonStartAgainAccel = "s"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogShowDetails = "Show error details"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogHideDetails = "Hide error details"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogDetailsAccel = "i"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogLogEntryText = "An entry has been added to the Windows event log of the server. "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogLogCorrelationIDText = "Correlation ID:"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogLogIdLabel = "Log ID:"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogButtonTryAgain = "Try again"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogButtonTryAgainAccel = "t"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWarningDialogTitle = "Warning"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWarningDialogContinueDesc = "Click {0} to resume filling out the form. You may want to check your form data for errors."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWarningDialogButtonContinue = "OK"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWarningDialogButtonContinueAccel = "o"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strOfflineWarningDialogButtonExitForm = "Exit form"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strOfflineWarningDialogButtonExitFormAccel = "x"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strStartOverAlertLine1 = "If you start over, you will lose the current form data and start to fill out a new copy of the form. Are you sure you want to start over?"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strStartOverAlertLine2 = "Click OK to start over."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogTitle = "Critical Error"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strLoadErrorDialogTitle = "Error"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogStartAgainDesc = "Click {0} to load a new copy of the form. If this error persists, contact the support team for the Web site."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogCloseDesc = "Click {0} to exit this message."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogButtonClose = "Close"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogButtonCloseAccel = "c"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorDialogTryAgainDesc = "Click {0} to attempt to load the form again. If this error persists, contact the support team for the Web site. "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorFormClosed = "The form has been closed."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strErrorClientScriptFailure = "There has been a critical error while processing the form."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strPermissionPostbackFailure = "You do not have permission to submit this form to the Web server. Contact the Web server administrator to request permission."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strNotAvailablePostbackFailure = "The form cannot be submitted to the Web server because the form was either renamed or deleted."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strNetworkPostbackFailure = "The form cannot be submitted to the Web server either because your computer is offline or because the host server is currently unavailable. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strOtherPostbackFailure = "An error occurred submitting this form to the Web server. The form will now be closed."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strServerErrorPostbackFailure = "An error occurred submitting this form to the Web server."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strDeleteListItemFailed = "The item could not be deleted. Refresh the page, then try again."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAttachButtonText = "Attach"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strUploadButtonText = "Attach"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strCancelButtonText = "Cancel"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWaitUIMainText = "Sending data to the server..."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWaitUIMainTimeoutText = "The server cannot currently update your form data.

It may take several minutes for your data to be updated."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAlertButtonOK = "OK"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAlertButtonYes = "Yes"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAlertButtonNo = "No"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strFileAttachmentDialogTitle = "Attach File"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strUploadButtonText = "Attach"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strCancelButtonText = "Cancel"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strFileAttachmentDialogMessage = "Select a file, and then click Attach to upload it."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strFileAttachmentDialogNoFileSelectedErr = "No file selected. Select a file to attach."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strFileAttachmentMenuItemAttach = "Attach"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strFileAttachmentMenuItemDownload = "Download"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strFileAttachmentMenuItemRemove = "Remove"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSubmitBeforeErrors = "InfoPath cannot submit the form because it contains errors. Errors are marked with either a red asterisk (required fields) or a red, dashed border (invalid values)."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSubmitPromptForRefresh = "You have made changes to the form that have not been processed. We will process the changes and show the form again. After that you have to click "Submit" again."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSignaturesPromptForRefresh = "The form contains changes that must be processed before it can be signed. Click OK to update the form, and then try signing again."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSaveWithErrors = "This form contains validation errors. Errors are marked with either a red asterisk (required fields) or a red, dashed border (invalid values). "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSavePromptToContinue = "Do you still want to save it? "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strSaveSubmitErrorInformation = "Use Ctrl+Shift+O to go to the next error. Use Ctrl+Shift+I to view error details."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strPrintPromptForRefresh = "The form contains changes that must be processed before it can be printed. Click OK to update the form, and then try printing again."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strPromptOpenWindowFailed = "Your pop-up blocker settings prevent this form from functioning correctly. Some of your form data may be lost. To fix this problem, submit or save the form, add this site to the list of allowed sites in your pop-up blocker settings, and then open the form again."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strPromptInstallAXControls = "You must install the Microsoft InfoPath Digital Signature Control to be able to digitally sign this form. Do you want to install the signing control? "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInstallDSigCtrlDialogTitle = "Install Digital Signature Control"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strRichToPlain = "Your browser does not support the InfoPath Rich Text Edit control. To permanently remove all rich text formatting and edit the content of this control in plain text format, click OK."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInvalidCharacterInText = "An invalid character was found in text content.";; IntlCoreStrings.k_strDatePickerButtonTitle = "Click here to pick a date"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strDatePickerButtonAlt = "Date Picker"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAttachLinkedPictureDialogTitle = "Insert Picture"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAttachLinkDiaglogAboveTextBoxText = "Address:"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAttachLinkDiaglogBelowTextBoxText = "Example: "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAttachLinkDiaglogLinkTooLongErr = "The specified address is too long. To fix this problem, enter an address that contains 2083 characters or less."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAttachLinkDiaglogDeleteInstructionsText = "To remove the picture, delete all text from the Address and Description fields."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAttachLinkDiaglogDeleteInstructionsSingleBindText = "To remove the picture, delete all text from the Address field."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAttachLinkDiaglogUriValidErr = "The address is not valid. To fix this problem, enter an address that can be accessed from any location."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInsertLinkDialogDisplayText = "Description:"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strAttachLinkDiaglogNoUri = "Enter an address."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInsertHyperlinkDialogTitle = "Insert Hyperlink"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strEditHyperlinkDialogTitle = "Edit Hyperlink"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInsertHyperlinkDialogAboveText = "Address:"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInsertHyperlinkDialogBelowText = "Example: "; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInsertHyperlinkDialogDisplayText = "Display this text:"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInsertHyperlinkDialogDeleteInstructionsText = "To remove the hyperlink, delete all text from the Address and Display text fields."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInsertHyperlinkDialogDeleteInstructionsSingleBindText = "To remove the hyperlink, delete all text from the Address field."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strConverterHyperlinkBoxPrint = "No hyperlink inserted"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strMSLBCustomCheckboxTitle = "Select to enter custom value"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strMSLBCustomTextboxTitle = "Enter custom value"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInlinePictureDialogTitle = "Insert Picture"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInlinePictureDialogMessage = "Select a picture file, and then click Insert to upload it."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strInlinePictureDialogExample = "Example: C:\\Users\\Public\\Pictures\\sample.jpg"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strClickHereToInsertPicture = "Click here to insert a picture"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strNoPictureAttached = "No picture inserted"; IntlCoreStrings.k_strNoCookiesDefined = "The form cannot be displayed in the browser because the use of session cookies has been disabled in the current browser settings. In order to load the form, session cookies must be allowed."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strNoAdditionalErrors = "No more errors on this page."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWidgetTitle = "Click here to open command menu [Ctrl + Down arrow]."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWidgetAltOptionalSection = "Section Menu."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWidgetAltRepeatingSection = "Section Menu."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWidgetAltRepeatingTable = "Table Menu."; IntlCoreStrings.k_strWidgetAltFileAttachmentControl = "File Attachment Menu."; function LoadIntlCoreStrings() {NotifyScriptLoadedAndExecuteWaitingJobs("_InfoPathIntlCoreJs");} LoadIntlCoreStrings(); if (typeof (RegisterModuleInit) != 'undefined') {RegisterModuleInit("inc/IntlCoreStrings.js", LoadIntlCoreStrings);}